De Europese Unie: historie, werkelijkheid en toekomst

Wij nodigen u van harte uit voor een voordracht van de lezing 'The European Union' door Prof. Dr. Frans van Vught. Deze lezing wordt gehouden op 21 mei om 19.00 uuur in het Amphitheater van de Vrijhof, Universiteit Twente. Deze bijeenkomst zal in samenwerking met het Studium Generale van de UT worden georganiseerd.
Leden van de De Maatschappij en eventuele introducées zijn van harte welkom vanaf 18.15 uur  in Theathercafe van de Vrijhof. 

De lezing zal gehouden worden in het Engels. Na de lezing is er gelegenheid tot het stellen van vragen. 


Frans van Vught
This presentation will consist of three parts.
Part 1 is mainly informative and presents the creation and expansion of the European Union through the many EU-Treaties. It also addresses the various EU-institutions.
Part 2 intends to analyze the current political situation of the EU, in particular after the Treaty of Lisbon (2009), the ‘alternative’ to the unsuccessful European Constitution. Concepts like ‘national sovereignty’ and the ‘European identity’ will be explored.
In part 3 we will suggest an adapted democratic fabric for the EU, with a new political governance model and room for regional and cultural diversity.

Prof. Dr. Frans van Vught
Prof. Dr. Frans van Vught has been professor in public administration at the University of Twente since 1986. He was also the initiator and first scientific director of the Netherlands Institute of Government. From 1997-2004 he was the Rector Magnificus of the University of Twente, and part of this term also chairman of the Executive Board of the UT.  After this, Prof. van Vught has been very active in various European institutions and was special advisor of Jose Manuel Barroso, chair of the European Commission from 2004 till 2014. Prof. van Vught has written over 30 books and published more than 250 articles on planning, governance and education and received honorary doctorates from Strathclyde University in Glasgow and Ghent University.

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